
  • Idli Rice – 3 Cups
  • Dry Red Chilli – 14 (adjust per taste)
  • Roasted Gram – 1 Cup
  • Melted Butter – 1 Tbsp (melt after measuring)
  • Asafoetida – 1/2 tsp
  • Salt – 1 tsp (adjust per taste)
  • Water – as needed for grinding
  • Oil – for frying


  1. First, wash and soak the rice, along with the red chillies, in sufficient water for atleast 3 hours.  
  2. Meanwhile, powder the roasted gram (pottu kadalai) using a dry grinder / mixie. Keep it aside.
  3. Once the soaking time is done, first add the red chillies to the grinder / mixie and grind for a couple of secs. Now add a portion of the rice to the mixie and grind to a smooth batter. Just add a little water sufficient for grinding. Do not add more water, the batter should be thick and not watery.
  4. Transfer the ground chilli and rice mixture is a large mixing bowl. Grind the remaining rice to a similar consistency and transfer to the mixing bowl.
  5. Add the ground gram flour and the remaining ingredients (except oil for frying) to the bowl. Mix well using your hand to get a smooth, non sticky dough. 




  1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl by hand.
  2. Use your bare hands for best results.
  3. Roll meatballs to about the size of a golf ball. (wet your hands to prevent the meat from sticking to them while rolling the meat balls).
  4. Drop raw meatballs into large (I use a stock pot) pot of sauce.
  5. (I have an incredible sauce recipe {#92096} I use for my meatballs).
  6. Simmer for about 3 hours.






  • 1 cawan kacang tosei (putih).
  • 3 cawan beras / Tepung beras
  • 1 sudu biji Halba/Fenngreek seed)
  • 1 sudu kecil garam.
  • 1 cawan nasi sejuk (untuk mengebukkan tosei dan membantu proses pemerapan)*.




  1. Basuh kacang tosei, beras dan halba dan rendamkan dalam air sekurang-kurang 6 jam.  (Pagi rendam, petang mula mengisar dan keesokan pagi anda boleh memasak). nota: sekiranya gunakan tepung beras tidak perlu direndam. Adunkan saja dengan kacang tosai yang telah dikisar.
  2. Kisar bersama nasi sejuk ketiga-tiga bahan tersebut dengan sedikit air. Tentukan kisaran anda jangan terlalu cair . Kisar sehingga halus. Masukkan adunan itu dalam bekas dan peram semalaman. Jangan terlalu lama peram. Adunan akan menjadi bertambah masam. Sekiranya ingin simpan adunan yang berlebihan simpan didalam peti sejuk. Bleh digunakan tiga atau empat hari.
  3. Jangan masukkan garam semasa pemeraman, kerana garam boleh membunuh bakteria semasa proses pemeraman. Adunan tidak  menjadi. Biasanya adunan akan bertambah dua kali kuantiti yang asal. Hanya masukan garam semasa mula memasak tosei.
  4. Jika bancuhan adunan anda terlalu pekat, cairkan sedikit dengan menggunakan air sejuk (tap water). Bancuhan tosei boleh diuji kepekatan dengan menggunakan senduk dengan menceduk sedikit adunan. Sekiranya adunan yang baik akan melekat pada permukaan senduk.
  5. Masak tosei sama seperti kaedah membuat ketayap (kuih gulung inti kelapa). Ceduk penuh adunan dengan senduk sederhana dan tuang di kuali tak melekat atau kuali leper (kuali leper permukaannya perlu sapu minyak). Buat putaran sehingga tepung anda menjadi nipis dan bulat. Tutup permukaan tosei dgn penutup. Api dapur perlu sentiasa dijaga. Tosei masak dgn cepat 1-2 minit. Keluarkan tosei anda dan lipat sama rata.



  • Urad dal/ Ulutham paruppu – 3/4 cup
  • Small onion, shallots(or Big onion – 1) – 10 
  • Green chillies – 2 
  • Ginger – 1 inch piece
  • Coriander leaves – 2 tblp, chopped.
  • Curry leaves – A sprig
  • Asafoetida – 3-4 pinches
  • Salt – As needed
  • Water – As needed


  1. Soak urad dal for 2 hour at least. (Use whole urad dal without skin(muzhu ulundu)for better result).
  2. Grind urad dal with only little water till fluffy. Please note the following points: 
    a) Add urad dal little by little(no water),while the grinder is running. 
    b)Just sprinkle water now and then to avoid jamming of the grinder.  Using ice cold water is recommended.
    c)Stand near till you finish grinding for sprinkling water now and then and wipe the urad dal that sticks to the wall of the grinder container. 
    d)This whole process takes around 12-15 minutes,you will get a fluffy white batter.
  3. Now chop onions,ginger,green chillies,coriander and curry leaves and add all these to the batter along with salt and asafetida.(You can add ginger and green chillies while you are grinding the batter itself,if you don’t want to come in mouth.If you decide so,first add ginger and chilles,then urad dal)
  4. Now mix well,keep aside and  heat enough oil in kadai (be generous or else vadas may stick to the bottom and get burnt).
  5. Now wet your right hand well and make a small ball.
  6. And use ur thumb to make hole in the middle.
  7. and drop it in oil,(just invert the vadais over the oil and slightly shake ur fingers)
  8. Fry in medium flame,turn the vadais and fry till both the sides turn crisp and golden brown.





    1. Pound chicken to flatten.
    2. Salt and pepper to taste.
    3. Dip chicken in egg; then in bread crumbs.
    4. Fry in butter in hot skillet, turning and browning for 10 minutes or until chicken is done.
    5. Remove from skillet.
    6. To skillet add spaghetti sauce.
    7. Heat thoroughly.
    8. Add chicken.
    9. Place slices of mozzarella on top of chicken.
    10. Sprinkle with parmesan.
    11. Cover and cook until cheese is melted.
    12. Serve with a side of spaghetti.